What can I say, sometimes we just need to keep the excitement going even though the holiday is over (especially if it's a work day).
Well if you follow this blog, then you noticed that it has been a little while since I last posted. Ok you got me, a long while. With the combination of me having writers block, not being able to focus easily, and this being probably the busiest year of my life, I have not been able to sit down and think of something legible to post. I have had little thoughts here and there though, thoughts about my faith, my life, singleness and whatever else pops into my head (don't worry I won't bore you with half of it). Most of it I have either kept to myself or shared on Facebook.
One of my brilliant friends had a suggestion though; to start posting my thoughts and opinions here on the Such a time as this blog. I say she is brilliant because of two things: 1. She is and 2. I hadn't thought of that and I think it's a great idea!
So thank you friend(s) for giving me ideas, inspirations, and motivation. I am going to start working on posting more and just sharing my thoughts/things I learn from life and God. They will not be very long, but since almost everyone is A.D.D., that's preferred anyways. ; )
There is more to come with Such a time as this. One of those things is a Twitter account. I will let you know when I come up with the name, but it will be something along the lines of the blog name and then "single" worked in there somehow. It will mainly be quotes, articles, Bible references, and then of course my own touch of sarcasm that relates to being single.
Thank you again for your continued support and please be praying for me as I continually try to be obedient to God's will for my life. Thanks!
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