Friday, May 9, 2014

The Bitter Pill

I read a lot of articles on relationships and the single life.  I like to read different points of view and hear many opinions.  I also love to talk to people about the single life.  It's always great to be able to relate to others in life stages and talk about their different experiences, even if it's just to get a different perspective.  One thing I have learned in a lot of conversations and articles, there are a lot of bitter people out there.
Men are bitter that women "only like bad boys."  Women are bitter that "there are no more good guys left."  Chivalry is dead, there's no more singles my age left, men are jerks, women are picky, and that one person did me wrong so now everyone is just like them and will do the exact same thing... Lots and lots of bitterness.

Bitterness is a complicated thing.  You don't think it's there, and then suddenly someone brings up that person that did you wrong, or even talk about something that kinda-sorta is the same experience that you went through (just like when your friend brings up how she likes the pink purse in the window, which then of course gets you thinking of the pink nail polish that your friend in ninth grade wore when she stole your homecoming date).  It never makes sense how it can pop up so easily, but it always does.  It's a trap that we fall into, and the problem is, a lot of people are not fighting to get out again.

Bitterness is easy.  It's more acceptable, I mean it makes sense to be frustrated with situations and characteristics after bad endings to relationships or experiences.  It's easy to dwell on those things, instead of the positive, because deal with something, which then helps us move-on, usually means we have to be honest.  It wasn't that the was a total jerk, it was just that he wasn't into me.  It wasn't that all women don't like nice guys, it was the fact that that one woman did like you, the nice guy in front of her.  The truth is harder to handle and a bitter pill is easier to swallow.  

The Bible mentions bitterness in many ways, it mentions it as people's reactions (yes, bitterness is not a new thing...) and it mentions it as states of thinking that people are in.  Proverbs is always great for when it comes to straight to-the-point truths, and Proverbs 14:10 is one of those truths, "The heart knows it's own bitterness, and a stranger does not share it's joy."

We know why we are bitter, what we forget is what benefit it brings to our life.  Which is no benefit at all.  Bitterness will start eating at any joy we do have, and then from there it will work it's way into any potential joy we could have and it doesn't stop until there is nothing left.  No need to fret though.  There is a cure.  A good antidote to the bitter pill is grace and truth.  No one is perfect, there are nice guys out there, there are women that know what they want, and not everyone on this earth is out to get you.

Prayer and God's word help with realizing these truths.  After all God is the ultimate truth and He shows us perfect grace.  It also doesn't hurt to have the kind of friends that you can really count on to love on you.  You know those people in your life that love you so much, they know the right time to give you a figurative (or maybe not) swift kick in the you-know-what and tell you to cheer up, spit out the bitter pill, and move on. There are too many experiences in life to be had to let bitterness take you down.