Fashion is everywhere, especially here in the U.S. We live in a time where trends change as often as the seasons and it's more typical to go in debt for shoes then it is not too. Fashion is everywhere, and it's hard to run away from, but you can ignore it, which is what I have done for most of my life.
I'll spare you the details of my horrible "fashion" decisions over the years, but I can tell you that it's not very pretty to look back on. I would love to say that one day some people took it upon themselves to take me shopping and buy me a whole new wardrobe and from there I blossomed into a beautiful popular woman, but that only happens in movies, so my sense of style has developed the normal way. Very slowly. It's actually still in progress because, to tell you the truth, I've only recently cared about whats in style. Whether it's the fact that I'm getting older, that I've figured out I've made a lot of very wrong style choices, or just that it's becoming an interest, I am wanting to learn more about fashion and all that goes with it.
Please don't get me wrong. I am very aware that what we wear is not what makes us who we are as a person. God calls us not to worry about what we wear or other things of this world, and though I can get too caught up in stuff from, I ultimately know that only God completes me and helps me become who I am meant to be. I have simply developed an interest in looking nice, more mature, and I just like finding out whats stylish and seeing if it works for me or not.
There is also a research aspect to it. I have always believed a woman can dress modestly, but still be stylish, so what would that look like? What are some styles that work best for my body type that would flatter me, rather than show off? How does one stay stylish, but still have money for food as well? These are all things I have wondered, and I think it's time I start finding out the answers.
So, My Heart of Clay is starting a new fashion venture. My blog will not change too much in this venture, but my Instagram will. You can follow me @KellieMK2 (sound familiar? That's because that is my Twitter handle as well. Clever huh?!) I'll take pictures here and there and add some money saving tips as well. You won't have to worry about too many selfies either. I'm horrible at taking selfies and I have no idea how fashion bloggers take such nice ones.
Wondering about my title? My very fashionable AND stylish friend told me that I was "stylish but not really fashionable." My first reaction was, "wait, what?!", but after a moment I realized that it was a compliment. So I stole it and will continue to use it because as the late Oscar de la Renta said, "Fashion is about dressing according to what's fashionable. Style is more about being yourself."