You know those days when it just seems like arrows are being shot at you left and right? No matter what turn you make, there's another arrow waiting for you to to either put a hole in a plan or to just wound you. This year has been like that for me. It just hasn't been a great year.
Now I'm not going to pretend that I have it worse than everyone. I don't. I'm pretty blessed considering what I've seen a lot of people have in this world. I have people that love me, I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and a few dollars in my pocket that allow me to eat every day. I am blessed, there is no doubt.
The arrows still have taken their toll though. I've been fighting the fight of faith. Really, I feel like I've been fighting for everything. One of the biggest fight's I've had this year at work was helping plan a large Easter Sunrise Service. This was my fourth year helping with it, and it was probably the hardest (and that's saying something because I am not a planner so every year is difficult for me). It wasn't just me though, everyone with the service fought for every plan and decision. This was not the only difficulty in my life though, there was about 20 other things going on which made it a fight every day to not just lose it.
Then Easter came. I had little sleep, I was praying like crazy and worrying every other minute. Then a crazy thing happened. The service went flawlessly. I mean the kind where you keep wondering what you forgot because it's going TOO well, kind of flawless. I hadn't forgotten anything though. Everything happened when it should. Not only that, it was the best year we've ever had. Record numbers in attendance, people loved the service and the best part of it all is that around 129 people accepted Jesus into their life. This is the stuff you can't plan, you can only pray for it and watch what God does. Those are the moments that make every ounce of sleep deprivation, stress and hard work, is worth it.
All of this reminded me that this is what the hope of Easter is all about. For thousands of years, people had fought the fight of faith, waiting for the promised messiah. Then came Jesus, totally unexpected in an unexpected way, and He set us free. He did not make new arrows to fire back at the thousands of arrows that were shot at Him. Instead He created the ultimate shield of faith with words that would helps us fight back with love. He was not what we wanted, the people wanted a warrior. He was what we needed. He was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins so that we could have a real relationship with God. He became our armor, shield, shoes, belt, helmet, sword and even our food and water. He became our everything we would ever need.
This is my hope. This is why I will always fight the fight of faith. This may be a horrible year, but I will not stop fighting. I may not be perfect at this Christian lifestyle, but I will not give up. I may have bad days, months or even years, but I have hope in Christ. And eternity in heaven will cancel out any bad year I have down here.
Easter helped show me some hope in an otherwise difficult year, and even if that hope is only as big as a lit candle, that is all I need to see in the dark. That is all I need to take the next step of faith and keep fighting.
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Bible References: Ephesians 6:10-18, John 6:35, 1 Timothy 6:12, Matthew 26:26-28