Thursday, June 14, 2012

One subject of many.

Through this blog I will touching on a variety of subjects.  I have to note that my faith (which is that God loves you so much that He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins!) is the most important thing in my life, so that will be my main focus, but there are many other things that I have interests in that I will also write or comment about. 

One group people I have an interest in, are single women in the 20s and early 30s.  There are so many pressures going on in today's society, it's gotten to the ridiculous level.  There are two tugging forces going on today.  Like the game Red Rover, one side is calling out your name to come to their side, but will you run to their side to join them, or to break the chain?  Ok here are the two sides:

1.  Culture, Society, or what some people call, The World.
        This side is what we hear, see, and encounter the most and is likely to say, "come on, everyone's doing it!"   It's pretty much living out the show "Sex in the City".

2.  The "If your not married or at least close to marriage by the time you are 25 then there is something wrong with you" side.

Well this is just my introduction to my thoughts on what singles experience today.  I'm will definitely cover more details on this subject.  But for now.  Have a great day!


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