Monday, February 25, 2013

One Day

Well congratulations!  You have survived Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, and President's Day weekend.  Though the last holiday is not even close to as tough as the other holidays, for someone that is single each holiday is a reminder that you are in fact, single.  You see all of the couples buying gifts for each other, spending special evenings together to celebrate, putting on Facebook pictures of the first (but of course not the last) holiday together, and then usually proclaiming to the world how amazing the other person is.  

And then there is us singles.  We put on our best face to be happy for our friends, admire their new pretty gifts, as we sit at home cursing every new engagement we see on Facebook of people that are usually at least three to four years younger than us.  I even considered this year to send out Christmas cards with a really good picture of just myself, and maybe my dog.  To sum it all up, it's just a difficult time of year for singles.  

I saw a movie recently that was about a couple, a couple that wasn't even a couple until the end part of the movie.  Emma and Dexter were two people that met in college, and over the next 20-30 years they showed us a journey of becoming best friends while almost becoming more than that at least once a year.  Then finally after failed relationships, life changes, career changes, failures and accomplishments, they figure out that they are the only ones for each other.  For most of the movie you end up frustrated at them for the fact that they didn't figure it all out sooner and get their lives together, but that is the exact reason they didn't get together sooner, they had to get their lives together.  Thinking on the movie after it was over, I realized how true it is for real life.  Though movies always dramatize and romanticize the story to make them more enjoyable for us viewers, there are still portions of real life that we see in them.  For this one, it was that timing is everything.

If these two characters would have "finally" gotten together any sooner, the relationship would have been a disaster and it would not have worked.  They had to experience life on their own before they would finally settle down with the one that they were meant to settle down with, their best friend.  I believe and am still learning, that this is just how it is.  Though we may think we are ready, we most likely are not.  Though we think we are mature enough, most likely we're not.  Even that time when we think that we are unselfish enough to handle a relationship, we most definitely are not.  Timing is everything.  

The most difficult part is we can't control it, we really just don't know who, when, or where that certain someone will come along.  What we can do though, is continue to live our life.  Continue to pursue our dreams, our ambitions, make new friends and spend lots of times with our current friends, and keep our focus on where it is meant to be.  If we do that, then one day we just might be ready to meet them, that one person we were meant to be with.

So once again, congrats on making it through the holidays in one piece.  Being single means that you still have a lot more to accomplish on your own, which is always an adventure.  This life adventure is to be enjoyed, so put on a real smile and get ready. 

Because wedding and baby season is just around the corner...

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