Sometimes the best encouragement you can give someone is just letting them know that they are not alone.
That is one of the reasons I write about the single life. Everyone goes through different things, and everyone's journey through singleness is different. For some, their journey is short, others, it's long and complicated. Some date more than others, some talk about it more than others, most complain about it, while others accept it, but no matter what, we all experience it at one point or another.
For those of us that are in this stage of life longer than others, there is discouragment, frustration, episodes of craziness, and sometimes just straight times of anger. There are also the good things, such as lessons learned, experiences that will go in our data banks of memory that no matter what, we would never trade. Either way, it's a journey that is not meant to be accomplished alone.
It's one of the reason that fellowship is emphasized so strongly in the Bible ("Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ." Galations 6:2, "Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17). We are simply just not meant to go through this life alone. I'm not even talking about a significant other, I'm simply talking about going through life with those other humans that understand you, make you laugh, that carry on conversations that are deep and at the same time can go and talk about absolutely nothing, yet both conversations are equally meaningful.
So even though there are so many times that we feel alone in this big world, we never are. There is always someone else out there that will be going through something similar that you are going through. You may not know them, but they are out there. Writing helps me with that. I write, hoping that the person that reads my writing, will know that they are not alone either. You may feel lonely, but you are never alone.
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