Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My dog taught me a bit about God's love.... go figure.

This weekend was not one of the best weekends I've ever had.  I was hanging out at home Friday night (I know I am so cool...) and noticed that my dog kept biting at her side.  Finally I took a look at her to see what was bothering her and I noticed that she had bitten at her skin so much, all of the hair was gone from that spot and she was bleeding.  So to keep her from biting at it more, I locked her in my room at night so I could know when she was biting and I could stop her, so in other words, I did not get a lot of sleep.  Saturday, I took care of it as much as I could and tried to watch her like a hawk.  I cleaned it, wrapped it up, put ointment on it and kept her away from it because every time she tried to take care of it herself, she just opened up the wound again and it would start bleeding. 

Long story short, I took care of my dog all weekend and I just did not get much sleep because I was trying to keep her from making her wound worse. She was snapping at me most of the weekend because there were times that I was trying to help her but it hurt, so she would bite at me.  She must of gotten tired of me messing with her because she was starting to not be as warm towards me and would give me these looks of death (I don't know about other dogs, but my dog definitely makes faces...).  I was so tired Monday night that I finally got fed up from my dog seeming to not like me anymore, not letting me help her anymore and just ignoring me.  I was just upset and didn't want to bother with her, so I closed my door (which she hates) and went to bed.  While lying in bed I realized this was a great example of how God is with us.  We (or the devil) create our own problems and wounds.  God loves us so he tries to help us and show us love, but we just ignore Him or even get mad at Him for trying to help us, ultimately ignoring Him due to our anger.  But He still loves us and opens doors for us and gives us grace.  It's amazing.  

After a few minutes of lying in bed, I opened my door so she could get in my room, and when I woke up in the morning, there she was on my floor in her usual spot.  Love is a crazy thing, and this is love for my dog.  I can not even imagine what God goes through when we turn our back on Him, the God that created us and sent His only Son, to not just live for us, but to die a horrible death for us.  The two don't even compare to my story, but it's nice to know that God loves me so much, that He would just give me a little tiny insight.