Monday, July 6, 2015

A Functioning Single

Dear People Who Think Marriage is the End-All-Be-All,

It's not.  We singles really do have our lives together and we do a pretty good job at successfully living without a spouse (for example I am surviving right now as I type this).  I understand that someone might have taught you this along the way, but they're wrong.

While you're learning that singles are functioning human beings, understand that those of us who may be in the age "when we should be getting married," are not married for good reasons.  That good reason can range from broken relationships, to not finding the right guy yet, to simply not wanting to get married yet and really no matter the reason, they are all good reasons. 

Please don't get me wrong, I have nothing against marriage. I believe it is a beautiful covenant shown to us by Jesus and the church and I pray that one day I will be able to make that commitment to a man.  I don't know when that will happen, and though I have those days where it seems like it will never happen, I know either way I'll be ok and that God is still good. 

A husband will not complete me.  It's just not possible for another human being to do that, they are imperfect. The only one that is perfect is Jesus and He is the only one that can complete me (Colossians 2:8-19). He has created me and when I accepted Him into my life He filled any incompleteness I had by what He did on the cross. He's not my husband, He is my foundation. Jesus is my end-all-be-all.

In closing, please understand, I know it can be easy to think that a spouse will fill the empty parts of your life. Heck, I'd love to have a guy to hang out with all the time, to go see action movies with and go on adventures exploring new places.  Someone who I could make-out with all the time and not have to worry about anything (what?! you don't think Christians think of that stuff?) and even someone who is there to talk to and encourage me at the end of the day, but I don't. There are days when that makes me sad, but most days it's ok. Tomorrow is a new day.  I still live a pretty good life and I'm still blessed with a lot of other things.  Being single is not what makes me, me. It is just where I am in my life, and I just happen to be "there" longer than others. I might even be "there" a lot longer, but that's ok, I'm still a functioning human.

So lets make a deal, you won't try to make me feel bad for still being single and I won't brag about still being able to make my own decisions and live my own life. Well actually I probably will.  I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.


A Functioning Single